téléchargement de fichier A Trusted Path design and implementation for Security Enhanced Linux
NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL ~ A TRUSTED PATH DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION FOR SECURITY ENHANCED LINUX Allan T. Hilchie Civilian, Department of the Navy B.S., Northern Arizona University, 2000 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September 2004 Author: Allan T. Hilchie Approved by: Cynthia E. Irvine Thesis Advisor David .
A Trusted Path Design and Implementation for Security ~ A Trusted Path provides a protected communications channel that permits the computer to authenticate itself to the user and for the user to authenticate to the system. This thesis provides a demonstration implementation of a Trusted Path for Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) and is used to examine trusted paths, their design and implementation .
CORE ~ A Trusted Path design and implementation for Security Enhanced Linux . By Allan T. Hilchie. Download PDF (611 KB) Abstract. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimitedThe threat posed by malicious software and networked adversaries to computers has resulted in the development of mechanisms to provide assurance that security sensitive information is not being compromised. One such .
CiteSeerX — 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE: A Trusted Path Design ~ BibTeX @MISC{Hilchie044.title, author = {Allan T. Hilchie and Cynthia E. Irvine and David Shifflett and Author(s Allan T. Hilchie}, title = {4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE: A Trusted Path Design and Implementation for Security Enhanced Linux}, year = {2004}}
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